Build Free Pro Website with me! EP#1

Kidd Tang
7 min readSep 7, 2021

What are we going to build? and Who needs this?

If you are a tech-savvy entrepreneur 👨‍💼with limited budget💰, and you love to try out coding 👨‍💻 on PHP/HTML/CSS/JS without paying any single cent to Web Design Agency. Then you are in the right place! We will build a fully customizable CSM (Content Management System) Website — which can Publish Blog Posts, Customizable Page Content, Membership System, and more…

You will not pay anything throughout the journey until you are ready to publish your website (If your site is for Commercial use!) For non-profit, student projects, personal projects, and hobbies, you are free to use the Laravel Backpack — the Admin Panel package which saves hundreds of hours of your web development journey.


  • ✅ Setup Laravel Development with Laravel Sail (Tutorial)
  • ✅ VS Code with Laravel helper plugins (My Plugin List)
  • ✅ Version Control — Git
  • ✅ Version Control GUI — SourceTree
  • ✅ DB Management GUI — HeidiSQL
  • ✅ Follow me for upcoming episodes
  • ✅ Basic knowledge of programming is required, but feel to comment about your queries…
  • ✅ Complete Laravel Course from LaracastHighly Recommended!!!

What are we going to cover this round?

✴️ The Starting Point
✴️ Get Ready on Laravel
✴️ Get Ready on the Admin Panel
✴️ Separate Tables for User/Admin Authentication
✴️ Separate User/Admin Password Reset Tables
✴️ Client (User) Authentication

🌐 The Starting Point

A basic guide for the related tools installation, you can easily find the in-depth tutorial on the Internet.

1. Git

Generally, just follow the installation wizard (accept the default options) and complete the installation.

For beginners, Nano editor is recommended.

2. Generate your SSH Key

SSH Key will be used when you are pushing your repository to Github.

Note: Skip this step, if you have created your SSH key-pair previously.

Use the RSA algorithm, for better compatibilities across the different systems.
Open Git Bash, then execute this command:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C “”

The passphrase is highly recommended, but do not forget it😉

“.ssh” folder is created with Public & Private keys located inside

3. Your Website Template

The “Admin-Facing” interface will be handled by Backpack. However, you still need a “Client-Facing” interface to fit your needs. Here is the list for you to pick the most suitable one for your case (all are FREE!):

💡 You might notice the templates are using Tailwind CSS. I choose the same stack as Laravel Starter Kit (Laravel Breeze), so you do not need to load extra libraries. However, you are free to use any CSS framework like Bootstrap.

Overview of the Laravel project

🌐 Get Ready on Laravel

You should be able to make your Laravel up and running by following the tutorial.

I created my project under the Linux User director for optimal performance.
(i.e. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\kidd\code\pro-site)

Laravel Sail is up and running

1. Make your first commit

Always make a git commit if you’re not confident about the upcoming modification.

First, click-right in the folder located in the \\wsl$, then select “Git Bash Here”. Execute the command git init to make it become a valid git repo.

Create New Tab and Add the folder, it should be detected as a valid Git repo.

You should see all the new files from the Laravel 8 fresh installation…

Stage All > Write Commit Message > Commit

2. Connect the Database

Execute the command to initialize the migration table

sail artisan migrate:install

Provide the IP, User (sail), and Password (password), then Save it and Open.

You should see the "migration” table in your database.

🌐 Get Ready on the Admin Panel

Once your Laravel is up and running, we can configure the Admin-Facing side with Laravel Backpack.

1. Require Laravel Backpack & CRUD generator

sail composer require backpack/crud:"4.1.*"
sail composer require --dev backpack/generators

CRUD is the core of the Laravel Backpack, it stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. This is how users interacting with each entry in the database.

2. Start the Installation

sail artisan backpack:install

3. Git Commit after Installation

The installation creates a lot of files, it might take a while for staging.

4. Backpack Login

You should be able to access the Backpack login via http://localhost/admin

Don’t worry about the register, it appears only in the local environment. You can check out config/backpack/base.php to change this and other preferences.

Click Register and fill the registration form. Now, you are ready to log in.

🌐 Separate Tables for User/Admin Authentication

Backpack’s authentication backend is completed separated from Laravel default authentication, but it uses App\Models\User model. The following steps will guide you to create App\Models\Admin model which is solely for Admin.

1. Star VS Code via WSL

Execute code . to start the VS Code.

2. Clone User Eloquent Model and Migration

We just need to clone and modify the content of the User model.

cp app/Models/User.php app/Models/Admin.php

Modify the model’s name and remove some unused traits…


Migration of the table is required too.

cp database/migrations/2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table.php database/migrations/2014_10_12_000000_create_admins_table.php

Replace the users become admins...


3. Update Backpack’s config

Change the line in the Authentication section in config/backpack/base.php

'user_model_fqn' => App\Models\Admin::class,

4. Re-run the migrations

Drop all and re-run the migrations with the command

sail artisan migrate:fresh

5. Register your Admin account again

Go to http://localhost/admin and register the admin account again.

Check the HeidiSQL, you should see your account is in the admins table but not the users table anymore.

Finally, don’t forget to Git commit your changes.

🌐 Separate User/Admin Password Reset Tables

We’re using two separate tables for users and admins respectively for registration and authentication, but the reset password still sharing the password_resets table. Let’s make it in two tables to avoid conflicting emails.

1. Modify Existing password_resets Table

Change the class name and append user_ to differentiate with the admin.


2. Copy and Modify to admin_password_resets Table

Clone the file we modified above,

cp database/migrations/2014_10_12_100000_create_user_password_resets_table.php database/migrations/2014_10_12_100000_create_admin_password_resets_table.php

Then, modify to “admin” edition.


3. Configure the config/auth.php

We have to configure the tables for both user and admin, find the section “Resetting Passwords in config/auth.php


4. Re-run the migrations

Since there is not useful data yet, drop all and re-run the migrations with the command:

sail artisan migrate:fresh

5. Configure Email Settings

You need a proper SMTP configuration to test the password reset, configure your .env in the project root folder.


You can sign-up Mailtrap for free to simulate the email send/receive with user-friendly interface.

6. (Optional) Test out the forgot password

Once your SMTP is configured properly, you can start testing it out. User and Admin are using two separate tables now!

🌐 Client (User) Authentication

We will use the starter kit provided by Laravel which is called Laravel Breeze. Basically, it gives you all that you need from login, registration, password reset, email verification, and password confirmation.

1. Install Laravel Breeze

sail composer require laravel/breeze --dev

Once the Composer complete the installation, execute:

sail artisan breeze:installsail npm install
sail npm run dev

2. Register a User account

You should notice the “Log in” and “Register” appear on the top-right corner on the http://localhost/

Fill the registration form

Once the user is created successfully, you can verify it appears in the users table.

Next episode, we will discuss the Admin Role & Permission, Page, and Post Publication. Please follow me to get the updates! Thank you.

If you like my article, please clap, follow and share my article (or you could ☕ buy me a coffee ☕ ). Take care and see you soon!



Kidd Tang

Full-stack web developer with electronic engineering background.